PC backup

Hey all.. I have a show that I am running with a RHFB and a playback wing to give me 20 total faders.. I just use my playback wing for conventionals and run the rest on the FB..

I want to run a PC backup, but with just the one playback wing and a super widget run off a laptop.. I cant seem to get the show to want to run off of 10 faders on my backup (the missing 10 faders go up to full when run off of one playback wing)

any thoughts?

  • Hi,

    Press setup,preferences on the bottom right touch screen,move down to to playback defaults,virtual faders and select up/down for the relevant group of playback wings.

    There is/was a bit of a bug regarding htp faders and playback wings that were no longer connected or attached to show's which held HTP faders over if the wing was no longer found in the show,someone else may have more up to date info.

  • Hi,

    Press setup,preferences on the bottom right touch screen,move down to to playback defaults,virtual faders and select up/down for the relevant group of playback wings.

    There is/was a bit of a bug regarding htp faders and playback wings that were no longer connected or attached to show's which held HTP faders over if the wing was no longer found in the show,someone else may have more up to date info.

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