Roadhog Harddrive replacement


After my recent slow booting and bluescreen with my Roadhog I am noticing on a quiet gig there is a what i can only describe as a "tone" coming from the harddrive. It lasts a minute or so and happens reqularly.

This is begining to concern me that failure is coming so can anyone tell me the type and spec of a drive I need to replace it.

MAny thanks

  • Make sure the noise is indeed coming from the HD, and not from the CPU or chassis cooling fan.

    Officially, we'll only support drives that are purchased as service parts from a dealer, but the RH shouldn't be especially picky about what drives it will use.

    Most Road Hogs shipped with 80 gig IDE (Not sATA) hard drives. Any similarly-sized IDE drive should work. We've not tested with drives that require 48-bit LBA (137 gigabyte and larger). They will probably work, but it's not guaranteed.

    I am not aware of any cache memory problems with the drives.
  • Make sure the noise is indeed coming from the HD, and not from the CPU or chassis cooling fan.

    Officially, we'll only support drives that are purchased as service parts from a dealer, but the RH shouldn't be especially picky about what drives it will use.

    Most Road Hogs shipped with 80 gig IDE (Not sATA) hard drives. Any similarly-sized IDE drive should work. We've not tested with drives that require 48-bit LBA (137 gigabyte and larger). They will probably work, but it's not guaranteed.

    I am not aware of any cache memory problems with the drives.
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