Mistar Midilink and a MIDI Question

Hi Guys,

We have acquired a Mistar MIDILINK.

My Road Hog is out at the moment - but does anyone know if its compatable?

Also, does anyone know, if using Hog PC, I can 'output' MIDI Timecode for Hippotizer running on the same machine to pickup, I guess internally?


Edited to ask if there is such thing as an internal patch for DMX/Artnet/Hognet if running Hipptizer HD on the same machine as Hog 3 PC?
  • Neil,

    Road Hog is only compatible with the M-Audio USB Uno MIDI Interface. It does not contain drivers for the MIDILINK device you mention.

    In regards as a way to send MIDI timecode from one product to another on the same machine, you could use MIDIYOKE, which you can find on the internet as a free download. Hog 3PC does not output MIDI timecode, but will accept it as an input.

    We do not have a direct connection to Hippotizer on the same computer. I am not sure that you would really want to run both apps on the same machine anyways.
  • Neil,

    Road Hog is only compatible with the M-Audio USB Uno MIDI Interface. It does not contain drivers for the MIDILINK device you mention.

    In regards as a way to send MIDI timecode from one product to another on the same machine, you could use MIDIYOKE, which you can find on the internet as a free download. Hog 3PC does not output MIDI timecode, but will accept it as an input.

    We do not have a direct connection to Hippotizer on the same computer. I am not sure that you would really want to run both apps on the same machine anyways.
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