Two DMX sources, 1 Output, can I use a DMX splitter
So I have some questions on the use of a DMX splitter. I have two sources of DMX for my RIG, Hog PC, and a Hog Desk. Can I hook up both sources to a DMX splitter, and then output to 1 single output at the same time? Or would both units counter-act each other and cause DMX hell? I am trying to run some cues off of the Laptop, and then be able to switch to the Desk, without hooking, un-hooking tables DMX cables, is this possible?
HI, A DMX Splitter is just that a Splitter, it only take ONE source of DMX into several Outputs of the same signal. If you want to do what you suggest, you need a DMX Merger. It is available from several DMX Equipment suppliers. If you by any chance have a HOG III/Fullboar desk you could choose to connect the PC to the network and have share the Show. Good luck
HI, A DMX Splitter is just that a Splitter, it only take ONE source of DMX into several Outputs of the same signal. If you want to do what you suggest, you need a DMX Merger. It is available from several DMX Equipment suppliers. If you by any chance have a HOG III/Fullboar desk you could choose to connect the PC to the network and have share the Show. Good luck