I go to network and i see the "DP 8000" i need to change it to the DMX widget I go to settings then Widget Outputs and all the universes say "none" and i cant change or select anyting different...im stuck.
thanks michael, maybe i need to back up a step thankyou for being patient. I "thought" i had something patched. but also in the fixture area where i "thought" i patched something, it also says DP8000 as the DP for a dimmer pack i have pluged in... Can ya help an idiot out?
In order to configure your widget you must first have something patched.
Then the following: Setup -Network Click '1' on the DMX Processor Click on the Setting button Then click on the Widget Output
well sounds like we are getting it narrowed down...now the million dollar question how do you map it to that output. and by the way my red link light went off.