Connect to iPC drive from another windows machine?

Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone knows the administrator password used for windows on the iPC... I'm trying to connect with my laptop to suck off some show files (I know I can do it the other way around, this would just be much more convenient in my case) and it's asking me for a password to attach to the iPC. Does anyone know it?

Nathan "Smokey" Williams
  • while that sounds like a plausible explanation, I know that the iPC is infact running sharing because it is prompting me for a password to log in. If file service was not running, I would not get this prompt...

    HES may not support it, but it is in fact running and is possible to do what I want to do. I just need the password.

    I understand the possible ramifactions of root access to the ipc file system and what could occur if someone disturbed the system files, but as an ex-IT guy, I feel confidant that I can handle the responsibility. :)
  • while that sounds like a plausible explanation, I know that the iPC is infact running sharing because it is prompting me for a password to log in. If file service was not running, I would not get this prompt...

    HES may not support it, but it is in fact running and is possible to do what I want to do. I just need the password.

    I understand the possible ramifactions of root access to the ipc file system and what could occur if someone disturbed the system files, but as an ex-IT guy, I feel confidant that I can handle the responsibility. :)
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