iPad Hog III remote?

Anybody get something working with the full native resolution of the iPad? Working on trying to Remote Desktop to iPC on windows laptop...

Was just curious if anyone has tried this yet.
  • [QUOTE=nibor;55187]
    the post got removed real quick

    You mean this post?

    I searched for posts by "nibor" with the word "January" in them, and that post from three weeks ago came up in the list.

    I'm not aware of any posts from real users getting deleted in a very long time. SPAM posts routinely get deleted, but unless you're interested in helping some poor widow get assets out of a foreign country for a portion of the proceeds, you probably won't miss them.
  • [QUOTE=nibor;55187]
    the post got removed real quick

    You mean this post?

    I searched for posts by "nibor" with the word "January" in them, and that post from three weeks ago came up in the list.

    I'm not aware of any posts from real users getting deleted in a very long time. SPAM posts routinely get deleted, but unless you're interested in helping some poor widow get assets out of a foreign country for a portion of the proceeds, you probably won't miss them.
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