I'm playing around with a way to use an iPad as a robust RFU for networked Hog consoles. I figured there might be a couple of people who would be interested in seeing this in action, so here's the first pic:
Here's what's happening in the picture:
My black MacBook is running a WinXP Virtual Machine in VMWare Fusion*. Installed on WinXP are iTeleport Connect and the Jaadu version of TightVNC**. On my iPad I have installed iTeleport for iPad***.
*You could also do this in Parallels Desktop or BootCamp. Various advantages to each method.
**Both are available for free from the iTeleport website
***This is available for iPhone and iPad on the Apple App Store
I followed the instructions on the iTeleport website for establishing the VNC connection and voila.
It will, of course, help to have some basic networking knowledge.
This seems to be working pretty well so far. I've put the iTeleport software into 'Touch' mode and it works great with the 'front panels' in Hog3PC. I'll be in front of some Full Boars later this week and will try to connect to a network show (from my laptop hardwired into the Full Boar network). If all goes well, I should be able to roam the room freely with my iPad. For me, it's going to come in especially handy for focus and metering.
As I've mentioned before, I know that there are some people who have been doing this for quite a while with tablet PCs. I'm not intending to declare this a better method. Only that it is one method.
If you have any questions about how I set this up, please don't hesitate to ask.