pop up faders on effects and virtual masters...

Hi there

The way I have my hog programmed, I tend to use effects for my movements - I would absolutely love to have control over basic size / speed parameters with one touch on the screen, ie - if I push once and release straight away, will start the effect with the size & speed stored on the pallette. If I hold it in for a second, pop up a small fader on top of the pallete with which I can scale the size / speed params... Would also be nice if you could push and hold on a currently running FX pallette and the fader pops up straight away...

Would be really useful if I have colour FX running as well as movements and want to change the way they behave independently, quickly...

Very much a feature more for those of us who use the hog for busking live... I know you *can* set movements on faders and scale the speed avo style, but when I only have 10 masters, and another 10 for catalyst on my wing, and quite a few groups of fixtures to control - I want to use them all for dimmers and chases...

Would also be really useful for virtual masters - in a similar fashion whereby the fader pops up when I push on a List in the List Directory.

Would anyone else find this useful?

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