LED chase wall

Programing question.

WholeHog 3 platform.
Got a show coming up that will have a grid of LED lights in a 8 Column x 4 Row arrangment.

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

R1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
R2 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
R3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
R4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

I am looking to do chaseing effects with various color patterns. For example. Flash Column 1 Red on

then off, then Column 2 blue on the off, then C3 Red on and off, then C4 blue etc.

The ending result effect that I am trying to accomplish looks simular to this video:

I dont plan on doing the intense image patterns, but the row and column chases.

Is there a way to do this via the Wholehog3 platform? via Chases, or effects? Or do you have and refferences I can read/watch that can help me accomplish my goal.

Much thanks in advance.
  • Hi John,

    If you wish to do simple linear effects, the easiest method is to simply create groups of rows and columns. Then you can build chases as you desire. Alternately you can make use of grouping and buddying selections when you fan the offset of an effect. For instance, first you apply a rainbow effect to all the units. Then you can do an 8 part grouping and fan the offset. This will create 4 sets of fanned out chases, or visually a vertical (column) color chase.
    You can read more about grouping and buddying in the user manual / on-line help. Also remember that the order of fixture selection is important. You might also read up on fanning to understand the various fan options.

    With some playing you will create many dynamic looks in no time.
  • Hi John,

    If you wish to do simple linear effects, the easiest method is to simply create groups of rows and columns. Then you can build chases as you desire. Alternately you can make use of grouping and buddying selections when you fan the offset of an effect. For instance, first you apply a rainbow effect to all the units. Then you can do an 8 part grouping and fan the offset. This will create 4 sets of fanned out chases, or visually a vertical (column) color chase.
    You can read more about grouping and buddying in the user manual / on-line help. Also remember that the order of fixture selection is important. You might also read up on fanning to understand the various fan options.

    With some playing you will create many dynamic looks in no time.
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