Hog III issue with Leprecon House Lights

Hi Guys-

I am using a Hog III networked with a DP2000 and Time Code Processor. The first of my four universes includes the house lights in the venue. The house lights are on a Leprecon Architectural Dimmer controlled with their AI-512 DMX interface. My problem is that periodically random dimmers in the house light Leprecon rack flicker on and off quickly. I have even added an opto between the AI and the DP and the problem still exists. I have made changes to the refresh rate on the DP and it positively changes the problem by making the dimmers flicker more or less frequently. But I can't find a happy ground that makes it stop. So if anyone has had a similar problem with this piece of gear or any other for that matter I would greatly appreciate the insight.

Thanks so much!
  • I have had the same problem with a Leprecon VX-2400 series II rack today. One of the racks is perfectly fine. The second rack has the issues. When the dimmers are at a value of %20, they flicker very quickly. Bring the value to say %50 and the flickering goes away. This festival has a Hog 3 which works fine. I have an internal super widget with a full boar programming wing. I have had this problem with multiple vendors, but always with the same dimmer racks (the VX series. Different gear each time).

    Chris Lighthall
  • I have had the same problem with a Leprecon VX-2400 series II rack today. One of the racks is perfectly fine. The second rack has the issues. When the dimmers are at a value of %20, they flicker very quickly. Bring the value to say %50 and the flickering goes away. This festival has a Hog 3 which works fine. I have an internal super widget with a full boar programming wing. I have had this problem with multiple vendors, but always with the same dimmer racks (the VX series. Different gear each time).

    Chris Lighthall
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