Issue Installing on Windows 7 64-bit


I am trying to install HogPC Version 3.1.5 on a 64-bit computer running Windows 7. When I run the installer i get the first warning telling me that it is not ment to run on a 64-bit system but that message I can just click around and continue the intall. After the install starts, during the valadation process I get another error stating that this software is ment to run on Windows XP and a few other OS's and then the installer quits back to its home screen.

At first I thought it was the UAC so i checked that and it is turned off on my system.

Any Ideas
  • Hmm..when you say "during the validation process" what are you referring to? What is on the screen when the error pops up?
  • please use [POST=19356]these instructions[/POST] to produce an error log.

    when running the command, be sure to replace Hog2PC_3-4-3-123.msi with Hog3PC-Win32-golden_3-1-5-2725.msi, and know that the "l" in "/l*xv" is a lowercase "L"
  • What I mean is the install process starts, meaning that there is a progress bar that comes up and starts to run. Right above that bar in the there is a line of text that states the status of the install. The first thing that comes up is validating install. And then it quites out.
  • Ok I created a log file, Thanks for the help with that! I was not able to post the direct file do to its size so I cut and pasted into the word file you will see. Thanks Again for helping me out with this issue!
  • i assume you were running 3PC on Windows Vista, and then performed an in-place upgrade to Windows 7.

    this tech note describes how to get around the errant 3PC v3.0.0.2417 uninstaller logic.