Showcrash Roadhog V3.1.6

10 minutes ago i had a crash with the new software during a show.

Roadhog Playback Wing

Rig started up 8 hours ago.

I was running on GM1 an intensity + position cuelist
On GM2 Is a color list with effects.
I typed in the command line "goto 13 time 5" as a preset
I the time waiting to press enter i changed the effect rate on the cuelist

At this moment the console interface crashed.
Playback masters still worked.
Faders and go pause buttons stayed working.
Choose button didn't work.
Release didn't work.
The GUI was not responding any more.

After reboot everything works again.
I tried to reproduce the problem, nothing happened.

I hope this was just once ;)
Let's go for the second act.


Wouter de Hoog