Setting a base level in effects chase?

Right when I'm feeling good about my Hog skills a simple thing stumps me. I'm trying to set a base level in an effects chase and also never let the chase dip below that base level? Here's what I have done and failed. I have an effects chase running in one cue. simple chase with 50 par can chasing from one side of stage to the other with a small effect length so only a few lights are on at a time. I have intencity set at nothing and effect size set at 100. It's running just how I want it. The gaffer said I love now just set a base level of 30% so they are all on at 30% and never dip below that while the chase is going. I tried many ways to try to accomplish this. The best way was run another master with them all at 30% that worked but the problem is after the chase comes up to full it dips down to 0% momentarily. I tried priority, I tried writing it all in the effect cue and I can't seem to get it not to dip back down to 0%. How do you guys hand this?
Thanks in advance,
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