Controlling Hog3 with Midi


I am working on a system where I am controlling a hog 3 via midi for simple commands of starting and stopping lists.

I have a couple questions after reading the document HES has posted on this.

It seems that the data variable is an integer converted to hex which represent the ascii characters. Not an actual decimal converted to hex.

Go cuelist 1, cue 1
FO 7F 01 02 01 01 |31| 00 |31| 00 F7
The 2 sections surrounded with |hex| is represented with the ascii '1'. If it were the decimal 1, it would be h01. So if say I wanted to work with list 175, the hex representation of it would become 'h31, h37, h35' in place of the h31 correct?

The document also has a couple of errors:
1) under the examples section, skip back >>| lists that command 11 is standby_- which in the example send string it lists it is 12.

2) no where does it note that between certain data commands it needs a h00 sent as a delimiter especially between cuelists and cues. I had to find that online in other documentation.

Another question I had is there any way to trigger scenes through midi?
