Unable to complete Hog 3 PC Install on laptop?

This is a strange one. In the pass I've been able to install other versions of Hog 3 PC on my Dell Laptop XPS M170 with MS Windows XP Professional (SP3) without any issues.
But I've recently encountered a problem with the new release of Hog 3 PC
I select to run the install from the Highend site as I've done many times in the pass. Everythings seems to be going right until the install wizard get to the Status: Installing New Service.
Then I get is prompt: Service "FPS NTP Service (hogntpd) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.
I select to retry and th same prompt appears. I slelect to cancel and the wizard rolls back the install.
I've recently agreed to allow Microsoft to verify my copy of Windows XP Professional.is authenic. Could this be an issue with loading your software?
Have you heard of anyone else having these issues after excepting the terms of MS authenic agreement?

Please advise,

[INDENT]Best Regards,



Darrel "Beammer" Cummins
LD / Intelligent, Digital Lights and Media Server Programmer
D. L. C. Productions
29 W Avenida De Las Flores
Thousand Oaks, AC. 91360-3116
Cell #: (805) 377-5828

e-mail: djcbeammer@aol.com

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