Full Boar wings and Windows 7 touch screen issues

I have two Full Boar wings (one programming and one playback) connected to a brand new Windows 7 machine. The touch screens on the wings aren't behaving correctly. I also can't calibrate the touch screens from the Hog 3 system. It tells me that they are not installed. I installed the drivers from the Hog installation screen, but don't know if they work in Windows 7.

Any thoughts?

Chris Lighthall
  • More than likely what is happening is that Windows 7 thinks it has a superior driver for the touch screen device and is not allowing the Elo Touchbase driver to do it's work...even though it is installed.

    Try opening the device manager window and look for any Human Interface Devices or Input Pointer Devices that have a generic name. One of those will most likely be the touch screens with the wrong driver. Once you deduce which of those devices is your touchscreen you should right click and update the driver and manually select the ELO driver during the driver update wizard process.
  • More than likely what is happening is that Windows 7 thinks it has a superior driver for the touch screen device and is not allowing the Elo Touchbase driver to do it's work...even though it is installed.

    Try opening the device manager window and look for any Human Interface Devices or Input Pointer Devices that have a generic name. One of those will most likely be the touch screens with the wrong driver. Once you deduce which of those devices is your touchscreen you should right click and update the driver and manually select the ELO driver during the driver update wizard process.
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