3.1.6 (2773) comments.

I've been programming and running rehearsals of our next musical a bit over a week now and 3.1.6 has been very stable.

Only a couple of things I have noticed.

I have had a few times when update is not updating and I had to use merge. Unfortunately, I have had no time to make more detailed notes why this has happened, but we have two weeks left...maybe I manage to figure out something.

When I have recorded an effect to a scene using record+selected, for some reason not all selected channels are not recorded. This happens quite easily and I have to check if I'm doing something wrong or is there a bug...

Today I had a few flash leds behaving oddly. I was just selecting fixtures and on my faders 3, 4 and 5 flash leds went on. 3 and 5 was red and 4 was green.
Those faders had HTP stuff (front/sidelight groups). I'm pretty sure those faders were down and I wasn't selecting anything that those faders have.
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