3.1.6 (2773) comments.

I've been programming and running rehearsals of our next musical a bit over a week now and 3.1.6 has been very stable.

Only a couple of things I have noticed.

I have had a few times when update is not updating and I had to use merge. Unfortunately, I have had no time to make more detailed notes why this has happened, but we have two weeks left...maybe I manage to figure out something.

When I have recorded an effect to a scene using record+selected, for some reason not all selected channels are not recorded. This happens quite easily and I have to check if I'm doing something wrong or is there a bug...

Today I had a few flash leds behaving oddly. I was just selecting fixtures and on my faders 3, 4 and 5 flash leds went on. 3 and 5 was red and 4 was green.
Those faders had HTP stuff (front/sidelight groups). I'm pretty sure those faders were down and I wasn't selecting anything that those faders have.
  • [QUOTE=c_muenchow;49504]Guys please don't be afraid to start a new thread for separate issues. Threads that go off the original issue are often difficult to maintain and usually get too messy for our staff to handle effectively. I will do my best to part this thread out and get all these posts answered.

    Sorry if my postings are making this a bit messy.
    The reason why these all are in the same thread is that these things have happened to the same showfile ... I'm just trying to keep track what has happened :)
  • [QUOTE=c_muenchow;49504]Guys please don't be afraid to start a new thread for separate issues. Threads that go off the original issue are often difficult to maintain and usually get too messy for our staff to handle effectively. I will do my best to part this thread out and get all these posts answered.

    Sorry if my postings are making this a bit messy.
    The reason why these all are in the same thread is that these things have happened to the same showfile ... I'm just trying to keep track what has happened :)
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