Some ideas / requests

Hi all a couple of ideas that popped into my head the other day.
A new concept called a busk (like a cue list or a scene)
You can change an empty qlist to a busk. It is rather like the live programmer, when u choose it whats in the busk is live in the programmer you can add or remove fixtures / edit as needed. You can set a time on that busk that crossfades ifcb to those values for those fixtures when u press go in the time you have set the busk. Pause releases the busk in the same time, flash stomps in the busk and releases it again when u let go. It always like the programmer has higher priority than other cuelists but always releases back to them and doesnt stomp out any values indefinately. Shoving up the fader crossfades ifcb.
U can have a different busk on each fader and also have a busk list. I think this would be a faster approach to throwing a show together or even creating in blind on the fly so u can add in.

Ideas number 2 ........ and this would take discussion between the manufacturer and the visualiser community but might be really handy in live situation ..... when u press blind the programmer outputs the blind info to the visualiser with the option to combine or not combine the effect on stage.

Lastly when u record a colour from the picker let the label on the colour palette be that colour, its pretty stupid to have to spend so long writing labels that have to be read when a colour is instantly recogniseable... the same goes for standerd gobos, lob in a few gif or bmp of the gobos like the other good desks do these days!
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