It would be great to have some sort of advanced filter window for recording timing and parameters, much like an extended version of 'Use I', 'Use P', etc.
I could envision this as a single button on the bottom toolbar ('Use X' ?) that would enable a temporary pop-up or pop-over set of radio buttons (kind of like what you get when a temporary slotted set appears on screen) for every recordable parameter.
By selecting/deselecting each of these buttons, you could very specifically record subsets of the values in the programmer.
I think that these would act in cooperation with the current 'Use' buttons. i.e. If I selected 'Use P' while these were selected, I would see all of the Position parameters selected, which I could then selectively disengage. (For instance, I could easily choose to only record Pan to a palette or cue.)
You could also use the same window in conjunction with a 'Use Time Only' toggle, which would allow the same type of operation, but only recording time values to the selected parameters without updating the actual parameters.
I think the important thing is that this would not have to change the top-level simplicity. A novice user could ignore this feature forever and it would not have to change the operation of the console.