midi hardware

I was wondering what midi hardware anyone could recommend to make full use of the new playback/programming tracking features would love to have my backup hog3pc track both playback and programming.
  • ok i must have stepped into something interesting then, right now running 3.1.6 and connected midi to my backup hog3pc running same show file same version, and found that when i did anything on the playback side on my hog3, my hog3pc backup did it to! basicly i had playback tracking going on sweet! however my hog3pc was not tracking any programing keystrokes i read up and came across a paper stating that the hog 3 outputed playback tracking using midi, and i just saw that release 3.1.7 features multi channel outputing including ta-da..... programing tracking! so since i got my backup to track playback, could i get it to track playback and programming via midi. the device i am using is -> www.long-mcquade.com/products/2650/Keyboards/MIDI_Interfaces/M-Audio/MIDISPORT_2x2_Anniversary_Edition.htm
    I am a total novice when it come to midi so I appologize if my terminology is incorrect. the setup i used to enable playback tracking is as follows
    hog 3 console midi output enabled midi out>midi cable>midi input (1) on M-audio midisport 2X2, usb out>usb cable> usb in on hog3pc midi input enabled
  • ok i must have stepped into something interesting then, right now running 3.1.6 and connected midi to my backup hog3pc running same show file same version, and found that when i did anything on the playback side on my hog3, my hog3pc backup did it to! basicly i had playback tracking going on sweet! however my hog3pc was not tracking any programing keystrokes i read up and came across a paper stating that the hog 3 outputed playback tracking using midi, and i just saw that release 3.1.7 features multi channel outputing including ta-da..... programing tracking! so since i got my backup to track playback, could i get it to track playback and programming via midi. the device i am using is -> www.long-mcquade.com/products/2650/Keyboards/MIDI_Interfaces/M-Audio/MIDISPORT_2x2_Anniversary_Edition.htm
    I am a total novice when it come to midi so I appologize if my terminology is incorrect. the setup i used to enable playback tracking is as follows
    hog 3 console midi output enabled midi out>midi cable>midi input (1) on M-audio midisport 2X2, usb out>usb cable> usb in on hog3pc midi input enabled
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