Android VS Ipods


So as most of us have been looking very forward to the ipod/ipad app from hog. my question is are there any plans to release an android app. There are so many android tablets is all price ranges coming onto the market. I can understand the pain it will be with the large variety. but is it even a plan in the works? I personally prefer android over the apple system any day.

Any coments?
  • Tim,
    I honestly understand what you are saying. And I agree with some of it.
    But, I think my point stands that it is easier to program for 1 device, and therefore is more cost effective.
    You say yourself, "what sometimes happens, is that programmers get lazy and write to a fixed screen resolution".
    This will not be a issue on Ios, as all devices run the same software, and are built to deal with the differences internally.
    Therefore, they are easier to program for.....

    As for the old Mac vs. PC argument, I have hand built 10-12 PC's for myself, as well as for friends, but several years ago, I got tired of dealing with all of Windows problems, and went Mac, and have never been happier.

    But I will be honest, I have never dealt with any of the linux distos, but I would be interested in taking a look at it, even if it were just as a hobby.
    Do you have any disto suggestions? ubuntu? redbox?

    There was a recent PC world article,

    The gist of it is that if you leave out the ipod touch, then you are correct, android and ios are pretty much equal. (They seem to think the ipod touch is not a real device, and not worthy of consideration?)

    15,500,000 iphone
    15,000,000 ipod touch
    7,368,000 ipad
    37,868,000 Total

    23,900,000 Android devices

    Thats the way I see the numbers,
    If HES were to bring out a app that would only run on a tablet, the numbers would be even more skewed to ios.
    %93 of all tablet sales have been the ipad.

    If I were writing tablet software, I know what platform I would write it for....

    Thanks for the lively discussion Tim, I greatly respect your opinions,
    Be well.

    Joshua Wood
  • Tim,
    I honestly understand what you are saying. And I agree with some of it.
    But, I think my point stands that it is easier to program for 1 device, and therefore is more cost effective.
    You say yourself, "what sometimes happens, is that programmers get lazy and write to a fixed screen resolution".
    This will not be a issue on Ios, as all devices run the same software, and are built to deal with the differences internally.
    Therefore, they are easier to program for.....

    As for the old Mac vs. PC argument, I have hand built 10-12 PC's for myself, as well as for friends, but several years ago, I got tired of dealing with all of Windows problems, and went Mac, and have never been happier.

    But I will be honest, I have never dealt with any of the linux distos, but I would be interested in taking a look at it, even if it were just as a hobby.
    Do you have any disto suggestions? ubuntu? redbox?

    There was a recent PC world article,

    The gist of it is that if you leave out the ipod touch, then you are correct, android and ios are pretty much equal. (They seem to think the ipod touch is not a real device, and not worthy of consideration?)

    15,500,000 iphone
    15,000,000 ipod touch
    7,368,000 ipad
    37,868,000 Total

    23,900,000 Android devices

    Thats the way I see the numbers,
    If HES were to bring out a app that would only run on a tablet, the numbers would be even more skewed to ios.
    %93 of all tablet sales have been the ipad.

    If I were writing tablet software, I know what platform I would write it for....

    Thanks for the lively discussion Tim, I greatly respect your opinions,
    Be well.

    Joshua Wood
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