Midi "Notes off"

At first sorry for my bad english

Midi notes implemantation is really interesting for live concert ( one shot) , and let me having many shorcuts to Play Cue, etc....

So when a "Go cue list" is setted, the "note on" Go the cue, but the "note off" ( when you release the keyboard key) Go the next cue...............

It's really interesting, for example to configure a key as a flash ( options : no fader & add release and cue ).......

But not so interesting to go a cuelist......i have to record an empty cue ( played by the release of the key) between all cues

So ,i hope you have understood my problem........

Best regards

Sebastien JAUME
  • A note off is always send by a midi keyboard when you depress a key
    ...press : note on.......depress : note off

    But all the keyboards don't use the same value for the note Off.

    The problem is the Velocity note off value.......and in my case this value is 0.....and it is sure, wholehog recognize "note off" like a "note on"....it plays the next cue when i depress the key.

    With a another keyboard, which use the velocity note off=64.....no problem, but it don't allow me to configure a key as flash button
  • A note off is always send by a midi keyboard when you depress a key
    ...press : note on.......depress : note off

    But all the keyboards don't use the same value for the note Off.

    The problem is the Velocity note off value.......and in my case this value is 0.....and it is sure, wholehog recognize "note off" like a "note on"....it plays the next cue when i depress the key.

    With a another keyboard, which use the velocity note off=64.....no problem, but it don't allow me to configure a key as flash button
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