Midi "Notes off"

At first sorry for my bad english

Midi notes implemantation is really interesting for live concert ( one shot) , and let me having many shorcuts to Play Cue, etc....

So when a "Go cue list" is setted, the "note on" Go the cue, but the "note off" ( when you release the keyboard key) Go the next cue...............

It's really interesting, for example to configure a key as a flash ( options : no fader & add release and cue ).......

But not so interesting to go a cuelist......i have to record an empty cue ( played by the release of the key) between all cues

So ,i hope you have understood my problem........

Best regards

Sebastien JAUME
  • I am using MidiOx to see what is really happening. When i use the keyboard of my laptop, to play notes (within MidiOx) then for example the following shows up:

    status data1 data2 chan note event
    90____32____64____1__D 3_Note On
    80____32____40____1__D 3_Note Off

    when i use Automap Standard (on my windows laptop) together with an app of Automap (on my iphone) and i toggle a button (programmed with note 32 aswell), then this is the output

    status data1 data2 chan note event
    90____32____7F____1__D 3_Note On
    90____32_____0____1__D 3_Note Off

    Automap is software from Novationmusic.

    And some years ago i attached a Yamaha-keyboard to midi and the hog (i mapped 'note on' to msc-commands with midiox), i remember the same thing was happening. ie, at the 'note on' something happened, but at the supposed 'note off' happened something aswell (while I didn't have anything mapped to a 'note off'). i found the same, for a 'note off' there was used a 'note on' command with velocity 0

    it could be that i have two things with the same bug, it's possible, but this is less likely.

    i hope this explanation helps.

    with regards,
  • I am using MidiOx to see what is really happening. When i use the keyboard of my laptop, to play notes (within MidiOx) then for example the following shows up:

    status data1 data2 chan note event
    90____32____64____1__D 3_Note On
    80____32____40____1__D 3_Note Off

    when i use Automap Standard (on my windows laptop) together with an app of Automap (on my iphone) and i toggle a button (programmed with note 32 aswell), then this is the output

    status data1 data2 chan note event
    90____32____7F____1__D 3_Note On
    90____32_____0____1__D 3_Note Off

    Automap is software from Novationmusic.

    And some years ago i attached a Yamaha-keyboard to midi and the hog (i mapped 'note on' to msc-commands with midiox), i remember the same thing was happening. ie, at the 'note on' something happened, but at the supposed 'note off' happened something aswell (while I didn't have anything mapped to a 'note off'). i found the same, for a 'note off' there was used a 'note on' command with velocity 0

    it could be that i have two things with the same bug, it's possible, but this is less likely.

    i hope this explanation helps.

    with regards,
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