Compaq PC, Intel Core 2 duo CPU (E7400 @ 2.8 GHz), 4GB ram, Win7 32 bit, 2 ELO 15" touchscreens, 1 wireless mouse & keyboard, 1 super widget, 1 mini programming wing.
Hog3PC V3.1.7 b2826
I have just installed Hog3PC on a new pc running Windows 7, (32-bit operating system).
It installs ok, and when I connect Superwidget & Mini programming wing, they install ok.
When I run Hog3PC program, the startup window appears on 2nd monitor, but a 'unknown exception' dialog window appears on monitor 1. I click on 'ok' or the 'x' and it closes the start up.
This happens regardless of whether Hog & ELO devices are connected.
I tried reinstalling. Same issue.
I tried installing v3.1.6. Same issue.
Any ideas why this is happening?!