Best way for touring different venues?

Im a relative noob, but have some experience, read the manual and have everything pretty much figured out, or so I thought. I work for an up and coming pop metal band and we're carrying the Road Hog Full Boar, 2 Atomics and 2 Mac 200 profiles (i didnt choose the package fyi)
I programmed a whole show with a template page for blinders, ACLs, GM etc, I have individual pages for each song in the set. Each page has a front wash fader (single cue), 2 faders that have the movers and PARs split up between them, and a master that has nothing but position/effect/color changes for the movers for intro, verse chorus,etc.
I programmed the whole show using palates and groups. My problem is when I changed venues I removed all the movers from the patch list from the last show, added the fixtures from the current venue and recorded them into the groups and updated the palates. So since all the cues were built using groups and palates my cues should just work with the new fixtures right? Obviously not because only the MACs (that we're carrying) had info in each cue (when I "viewed" each cue using the softkey in the cuelist window.

So Did something go wrong or am I missing something?

Otherwise what is the best way to go from venue to venue and employ all the different fixtures from each into my show without re-programming my whole show?

Many thanks for your help!:notworthy:
Reno M
  • You can just change type... if you need to change type again back to the originals then you will need to update your palettes, or you could keep a copy of your show with that original type.

    The change type function does not "remove" parameters that do not exist, it just hides them. For example if you change from a spot to a wash, you will not have any gobo information of course. But if you then change the wash fixtures back to any spot fixture you will retain your gobo information. This is all due to the abstraction layer... very handy indeed!
  • You can just change type... if you need to change type again back to the originals then you will need to update your palettes, or you could keep a copy of your show with that original type.

    The change type function does not "remove" parameters that do not exist, it just hides them. For example if you change from a spot to a wash, you will not have any gobo information of course. But if you then change the wash fixtures back to any spot fixture you will retain your gobo information. This is all due to the abstraction layer... very handy indeed!
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