3.1.7. b2826 Problems with USB LTC Widgit.

Name: Justin
Date: Oct.16.2010
Software Version and build number: 3.1.7 b2826
Number of external displays:2
Connected USB Devices: USB LTC Widgit
Networked Devices: 2 - DP2000
Detailed description of the problem:

Upgraded from version 2.3.0 software on the hog 3. After managing to complete the upgrade i noticed problems with the LTC Widgit in regards to receiving Time code. It would work just after booting up the board, but then after a while of not receiving code it seemed to not acknowledge when code was being run again. Ended up running the show manually and then rolled back to 3.1.5. Everything seems to be running fine now.
  • Ok so rolled the desk back to 2.6.0 cause I found a disk for that. Widget is working like it should however when I view TC in the Time Code Toolbar it doesn't run smoothly but it runs and thats all i care about at this point in time. However now when I try to save a backup to my Zip disk it fails doing that stating that it failed to write to archive. However I can save a backup to the internal HDD and copy it over to the zip disk (when the Zip Disk is playing nice)

    I am going to send the show file to Mitch and possibly yourself if you think it would help figure out a solution that will allow me to put the desk back to the newer version of software or a newer version of software rather than be running fairly old software.

    Thanks again for the help.
  • Ok so rolled the desk back to 2.6.0 cause I found a disk for that. Widget is working like it should however when I view TC in the Time Code Toolbar it doesn't run smoothly but it runs and thats all i care about at this point in time. However now when I try to save a backup to my Zip disk it fails doing that stating that it failed to write to archive. However I can save a backup to the internal HDD and copy it over to the zip disk (when the Zip Disk is playing nice)

    I am going to send the show file to Mitch and possibly yourself if you think it would help figure out a solution that will allow me to put the desk back to the newer version of software or a newer version of software rather than be running fairly old software.

    Thanks again for the help.
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