Midi controller


I'm a newbie in the whole midi bussines. But i'm looking for a midi controller to fire ques in live situations. Is there someone who could give some advise what kind of hardware to use.

I found the following on the Internet. And thought that it would be a nice feature next to my hog 3.


Or should I be looking for something totally different???

And I assume that when I have the right hardware it's as easy as just connecting and assign things to different midi notes.

Thanks in advance for your advice....


  • Hi Showmaniac, SanderL

    The KORG you linked to will not work it is MIDI over USB, witch we generally do not support.(Unless with HOG PC)

    The Midi device in question to use need a 5 pin DIN connector with MIDI Out.
    It can then be connected to.

    Then to use MIDI Notes you have to activate that in the MIDI Settings in Network.
    There you can also decide witch Note that does what in your console.

    There are slight differences between our controllers implementation in Midi Hardware, so be sure you read the manual for your console.

    I hope this helps, if not, please be more specific than "it does not work"... :)
  • Hi Showmaniac, SanderL

    The KORG you linked to will not work it is MIDI over USB, witch we generally do not support.(Unless with HOG PC)

    The Midi device in question to use need a 5 pin DIN connector with MIDI Out.
    It can then be connected to.

    Then to use MIDI Notes you have to activate that in the MIDI Settings in Network.
    There you can also decide witch Note that does what in your console.

    There are slight differences between our controllers implementation in Midi Hardware, so be sure you read the manual for your console.

    I hope this helps, if not, please be more specific than "it does not work"... :)
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