Midi controller


I'm a newbie in the whole midi bussines. But i'm looking for a midi controller to fire ques in live situations. Is there someone who could give some advise what kind of hardware to use.

I found the following on the Internet. And thought that it would be a nice feature next to my hog 3.


Or should I be looking for something totally different???

And I assume that when I have the right hardware it's as easy as just connecting and assign things to different midi notes.

Thanks in advance for your advice....


  • Got it working now with Hog3PC... But a question. Is it possible to have desk channels working with it. For example i have some blinders. I wanna have a full on of them on my keyboard. I program a cue with them full on. Then i give a comment macro with a go in my keyboard, and make a button with a release. But that doesn`t work. Because i have them on a fader just now for programming i can see that it works, but the value doesn`t go to 100%.

    Does it have to be on an fader, or is there a way to work around?
  • Got it working now with Hog3PC... But a question. Is it possible to have desk channels working with it. For example i have some blinders. I wanna have a full on of them on my keyboard. I program a cue with them full on. Then i give a comment macro with a go in my keyboard, and make a button with a release. But that doesn`t work. Because i have them on a fader just now for programming i can see that it works, but the value doesn`t go to 100%.

    Does it have to be on an fader, or is there a way to work around?
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