Recording a Cue only cue in Tracking mode

To the best of my understanding if you are in tracking mode and you want to record a 'cue-only' cue you deselect forward. My question is how do you record a blank cue after that. Example, Cue 1 I have stage wash up, and cue 2 I record 'cue only' for a video look. On strand boards I would record a blank cue after that and it would transition out all my cue 2 changes.
I would like to be able to do this so that 10 video rolls into rehearsal I notice that SR is a little darker than the rest of the stage, so I record SR a little brighter and track back. If I have a blank cue after each video it would track all the way back to where it was recorded. However, if I have to set levels in each restore cue then I'd have to go back and fix that dark spot in every cue.
  • I'm not entirely sure this will work, but for your stage look can you make an intensity pallet and just reference that pallet in your cues? This way when you want to change your stage look you just have to update the pallet and not worry so much about the video cues tracking through because you would have hard values in your list, but they would be easily changeable through that reference. If your stage look is more than just conventional lights I believe you can build your look and save that to a pallet too, you just have to be sure to select all the values you want to save with the "use I,P,C,B" buttons.

    I believe this will work for you situation or I could have missed the mark completely.
  • I'm not entirely sure this will work, but for your stage look can you make an intensity pallet and just reference that pallet in your cues? This way when you want to change your stage look you just have to update the pallet and not worry so much about the video cues tracking through because you would have hard values in your list, but they would be easily changeable through that reference. If your stage look is more than just conventional lights I believe you can build your look and save that to a pallet too, you just have to be sure to select all the values you want to save with the "use I,P,C,B" buttons.

    I believe this will work for you situation or I could have missed the mark completely.
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