Recording a Cue only cue in Tracking mode

To the best of my understanding if you are in tracking mode and you want to record a 'cue-only' cue you deselect forward. My question is how do you record a blank cue after that. Example, Cue 1 I have stage wash up, and cue 2 I record 'cue only' for a video look. On strand boards I would record a blank cue after that and it would transition out all my cue 2 changes.
I would like to be able to do this so that 10 video rolls into rehearsal I notice that SR is a little darker than the rest of the stage, so I record SR a little brighter and track back. If I have a blank cue after each video it would track all the way back to where it was recorded. However, if I have to set levels in each restore cue then I'd have to go back and fix that dark spot in every cue.
  • This makes sense since I learned tracking on a Strand 520i. So I guess the answer to my original question is no, hog does not do the 'cue only' like I was trying to.

    "...and I'd argue it violates the spirit of Tracking/LTP."

    Eric, this has mad me a little curious about the backgrounds of tracking. I've always thought that tracking stemmed from 2-scene preset consoles. Coming from a 2 scene preset my idea of a 'cue only' seems like it makes more sense, because when switching scenes your original scene would remained untouched.
  • This makes sense since I learned tracking on a Strand 520i. So I guess the answer to my original question is no, hog does not do the 'cue only' like I was trying to.

    "...and I'd argue it violates the spirit of Tracking/LTP."

    Eric, this has mad me a little curious about the backgrounds of tracking. I've always thought that tracking stemmed from 2-scene preset consoles. Coming from a 2 scene preset my idea of a 'cue only' seems like it makes more sense, because when switching scenes your original scene would remained untouched.
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