RHFB DMX issues

Has anyone seen issues where consoles stop outputting dmx after long periods of inactivity?
Left a RHFB + FB wing for 2 hours and came back,fixtures would not respond in any way.
The output window was showing the output values but without any actual output from the console.
The fixtures were getting dmx and responded to the house console when we switched the DMX over.
Logged off and on,fixtures would not respond.
Cycled the console power and the show cam back online.
Internal super widget only.

Regards Cormac
  • I have a guest LD today carrying a Full Boar with a similar problem. Upon startup the desk will often not output DMX, though this has so far been resolved each time with a reboot. He seems to think it only happens when he powers the console before the fixtures, though that makes little sense to me.
    On a perhaps unrelated note, he also needs to re dock the playback bar on his RH wing each time he reboots, and yes it is properly docked each time before shut down.
    He is running 3.1.7, on a brand new Full Boar on it's first tour.
  • I have a guest LD today carrying a Full Boar with a similar problem. Upon startup the desk will often not output DMX, though this has so far been resolved each time with a reboot. He seems to think it only happens when he powers the console before the fixtures, though that makes little sense to me.
    On a perhaps unrelated note, he also needs to re dock the playback bar on his RH wing each time he reboots, and yes it is properly docked each time before shut down.
    He is running 3.1.7, on a brand new Full Boar on it's first tour.
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