Roadhog crash!!! DMX issue I think? HELP!

Do I need help. At 10pm tonight my Roadhog stopped sending out DMX info according to the DMX output window during a show. Thank god I have a small DMX board for my conventionals. The playback faders and touchscreen do there thing and say Full or 0% when moved and the touch screen presses and depresses. All good there. The Launched Processes All is running. I reboot the Hog and all is good. Then roughly 2 to 7min later in it freezes. All movers stop, colour changes, you name it. All control is lost. No DMX info is broadcasting. The DMX output window DMX value numbers stop. No change when intensity, colour, gobo is engaged on all fixtures, nothing happens. I have also included photos of all possible things you may need and have the show file ready to send you but my money is on a heat issue or DMX dp8k board issue or the image has gone nuts. We updated to the latest software when it came out and have had no problems until now.
We have a sold out show tomorrow night and would love to have the hog up and running asap.

Thank you in advance,
David Parkes
Vancouver, B.C. CANADA

My Roadhog:

Built November 17,2009

Software version v3.1.7(b 2826)
Image Version 1.4.0 - Build date 8/19/2009 5:48:01
Front panel Driver Version
Front panel Serial 706
Front Panel Firmware Version 3
Front Panel PLD Version 1
Internal Super Widget Serial 6149

Motherboard Temperature
CPU Temp 46 C / 114.5 F
MB Temp 42C / 107.5 F

CPU Fan Speed 3835RPM
CPU Q-Fan Control Enabled
CPU Fan Profile Mode Silent Mode
Chassis Fan Speed N/A
Power Fan Speed N/A

VCORE Voltage 1.320V
3.3V Voltage 3.280V
5V Voltage 5.043V
12V Voltage 12.196V

Launched Processes (during crash)

payback running 268 12 -port=6600 -nodeid=1 -netnum=1
desktop running 324 14 -port=6600 -nodeid=1 -netnum=1
dp8k running 356 13 -port=6600 -instance=1 netnum=1 -console
fpdriver running 208 10
launcher running 1204 0
server running 244 11 -port=6600"-show=D:\Runtime \Documents and Settings\Administrator\My...

Launched Processes (after reboot All Good)

payback running 1540 3 -port=6600 -nodeid=1 -netnum=1
desktop running 1548 5 -port=6600 -nodeid=1 -netnum=1
dp8k running 1556 4 -port=6600 -instance=1 netnum=1 -console
fpdriver running 1388 1
launcher running 1204 0
server running 1492 2 -port=6600"-show=D:\Runtime \Documents and Settings\Administrator\My...
  • Latest....
    So my team and I ran the Hog with the case open and wiggles the usb cable that links the motherboard to the DMX board. Nothing happened. Once we unpluged the usb cable it gave us the same symptoms as when it did during a show. Also noted that the DMX board had two flashing leds on it indicating that it was disconnected. (A software notifier for this problem would be great on a new update) Once plugged back in the Hog and fixtures continued on as they should. Having four usb inputs and only using three we swapped for another and left the "problem one" empty. After testing all usb device ie. touch screens, dmx board and external usb slots, we sealed the Hog back up and backed up our shows. We upgraded the Image Version to 1.6.0 and the update software to 3.1.7. So now we wait. Since then we have run three shows and all good. "knock on wood" But we have been down this road before. Since the first time and the second incident the only constant is the operator. He works again this Tuesday and I will watch every keystroke. Is this an operator error, odd programming glitch showing up for the first time or bad timing when either the motherboard usb chip drops signal or DMX board crashes. Let you all know how Tuesday goes. Thanks for the support.
  • Latest....
    So my team and I ran the Hog with the case open and wiggles the usb cable that links the motherboard to the DMX board. Nothing happened. Once we unpluged the usb cable it gave us the same symptoms as when it did during a show. Also noted that the DMX board had two flashing leds on it indicating that it was disconnected. (A software notifier for this problem would be great on a new update) Once plugged back in the Hog and fixtures continued on as they should. Having four usb inputs and only using three we swapped for another and left the "problem one" empty. After testing all usb device ie. touch screens, dmx board and external usb slots, we sealed the Hog back up and backed up our shows. We upgraded the Image Version to 1.6.0 and the update software to 3.1.7. So now we wait. Since then we have run three shows and all good. "knock on wood" But we have been down this road before. Since the first time and the second incident the only constant is the operator. He works again this Tuesday and I will watch every keystroke. Is this an operator error, odd programming glitch showing up for the first time or bad timing when either the motherboard usb chip drops signal or DMX board crashes. Let you all know how Tuesday goes. Thanks for the support.
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