I have just upgraded to a new computer running Windows 7 32-bit from an older XP computer. I backed up 2 of my shows on the old computer and launched them on the new computer. I am running 3.1.7 on the new computer and I'm unsure what software I was running on the old. It was relatively current. While running either of the shows the playback portion of the software crashes. I can still capture fixtures and put them at an intensity, but I can't play any cues. Pulling down faders has no effect even the GM. When I close the program (either log off or Quit) I get a WH window that pops up and says the playback module is not responding and asks if I want to wait or kill it.
If I logged off and killed the module the dmx output stays the same as when it froze until the show reloads. When it is back up the show is unstable and crashes stating the server rebooted.
If I quit then the background processes never close and I have to reboot the computer. The output from the widgets stays the same even as I reboot the computer (even at the root of boot-up at BIOS). After the computer is back up the application is back and running as normal. The time between crashes has gone from a few days to a few minutes.
I am only using two USB widgets.
Has anyone seen anything like this before?
What other info can I give?