I just connected my DP2000 to my desktop running HogPC, a different computer that I run shows on, and it said that it needed to upgrade the software on the DP. So I clicked Reload. The screen on the DP switched to "establishing TCP connection" and stayed there for at least 10 minutes. I tried checking the network connection and when everything seemed fine i unplugged the network cable and replugged it in. And then unplugged the power and replugged the power to power cycle it. But now it says
"flash image valid"
"forcing image reload due to reboot flag"
"initializing network"
I then plug in the network cable
"Network ready"
"beginning software reload sequence"
"seeking software server on port 6600"
"Located server"
"Establishing TCP connection"
And then continues to stay on that screen without changing.
Hog PC can no longer find this DP, but the network connection is good.
Is there another way to reload the software onto the DP2000? Or is it only from Hog PC?
Any help would be appreciated,