Can't copy a copy

Hog iPC running 3.17

Here is an issue I’ve run into in the past and just rediscovered again…I can't seem to copy parameters from one fixture to another if the copy from fixture has previously had parameters copied to it.

For example, I have a set of movers hitting a set. I take the first light and focus it to a position that also includes beam parameters (zoom, shutters, gobo, whatever) record that into a position pallet that includes position and beam. I next copy the first fixtures parameters to a second fixture (X1 copy X2 enter). All the parameters copy from fixture one to fixture two, just as expected. I make some changes to fixture two and again record to the same position palette. I then try to copy the parameters from the second fixture to a third fixture (X2 copy to X3 enter). This time nothing copies or only certain parameters copy to the third fixture (sometimes intensity gets copied). If I clear the programmer and then apply the palette to fixture two (whether or not I use touch or suck to make sure all parameters are in the programmer) I still cannot copy from the second fixture to a third fixture. If I reboot the system, all works perfectly (fixture two will now copy to fixture three) until again I try to copy parameters from a fixture that had parameters copied into it (fixture 3 will not copy to 4 without a reboot).

Anyone else run into this issue?

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