Programming for a concert - most effective way?

Hi guys,

I'm actually organising a 'small' concert (250 persons) and will be the one who operate the RoadHog this friday. I worked a bit with it this summer, so I know the basics of the basics of the Hog OS 3 but still a few question…

I just got the set lists of the four bands but will have the RoadHog not before friday, so I will have to program these light shows in like 6 hours.. I know almost impossible.

It's a really 'small' concert with just 6 Martin MAC 250, a few LED parcans and one Hazer.

So, having only 10 playback faders… how would you program it?
What do you think about like setting the the intensity channels of the two fixture types on two faders?
Is it possible and how can I can record cuelists in a 'palette'?
Would you put everything in one show or load a new show every time the stage is being rearranged for the next band (only like 5 minutes brake between the two first bands, then 30 minutes brake, and finally again a 5 minute brake between the two last bands).?


  • Max,

    You can open the cuelist from the pallet. Hold Open and press the List in the pallet.

    You can move the cuelist to a fader so you can work with it there.
    List # Move Choose (button)

    Start by building the cuelist on a fader, do all the testing of it, then remove it which leaves it only in the pallet. Called Virtual Masters.
    To remove it hold the Choose button and press Delete.
    Make sure the fader is at 100% when you remove it!

    Scenes are 1 cue long (just one look per scene).
    Cuelists are a series of cues (looks).

    Again, I haven't used pages much, but look at,
    Setup > User Preferences > Misc > Page Change Options
    I believe you want the next thing you do on a new page to be a blocking cue. That means it touches everything.

    My advice is, do less cleanly, rather than trying too much and failing.

    Build the base control first then add "extras" until you run out of time.

    And post here when you're done and let us know how it went.
  • Max,

    You can open the cuelist from the pallet. Hold Open and press the List in the pallet.

    You can move the cuelist to a fader so you can work with it there.
    List # Move Choose (button)

    Start by building the cuelist on a fader, do all the testing of it, then remove it which leaves it only in the pallet. Called Virtual Masters.
    To remove it hold the Choose button and press Delete.
    Make sure the fader is at 100% when you remove it!

    Scenes are 1 cue long (just one look per scene).
    Cuelists are a series of cues (looks).

    Again, I haven't used pages much, but look at,
    Setup > User Preferences > Misc > Page Change Options
    I believe you want the next thing you do on a new page to be a blocking cue. That means it touches everything.

    My advice is, do less cleanly, rather than trying too much and failing.

    Build the base control first then add "extras" until you run out of time.

    And post here when you're done and let us know how it went.
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