Frame option

I know that some option like having frame 1A and frame 1B on same wheel had already been asked but it could be useful if we have this function (I hope) to have an option to move frame 1A and frame 1B at the same time in the same or opposite way.

  • Steph-

    This is interesting. I know at there have been many discussions about future implementations of framing shutter control, many of which have been great ideas.

    But I can actually see uses of this beyond shutters.

    What if you extended this idea to a more generic concept of 'locking' parameters to each other?

    Maybe you could somehow 'select' the labels above individual parameter wheels and these wheels would linearly or relatively be adjusted when changing just one of the wheels.

  • Steph-

    This is interesting. I know at there have been many discussions about future implementations of framing shutter control, many of which have been great ideas.

    But I can actually see uses of this beyond shutters.

    What if you extended this idea to a more generic concept of 'locking' parameters to each other?

    Maybe you could somehow 'select' the labels above individual parameter wheels and these wheels would linearly or relatively be adjusted when changing just one of the wheels.

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