3.1.8 (2901) Bug Report: Next+Back Causes Desktop Crash

Name: Kevin Hogan
Date: 1/31/2011
Software Version and build number: RoadHog Full Boar 3.1.8 (2901)
Number of displays: No External Monitors
Connected USB Devices: None
Networked Devices: (1) DP8000
Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce (if possible) and exact syntax used: Using "Next + Back" to select all fixtures in the programmer caused the desktop application to freeze and crash multiple times during programming. Pig+Open+Backspace would let me right-click to restart the desktop and resume where I left off.
List any errors reported by the software: No errors reported

let me know an e-mail address and I'll send a show file if you'd like to see.
  • Could this bug exist in 3.1.7 as well? I had a similar thing happen the other night during a focus. I was highlighting through a group at the time and think i hit next+back at the same time to highlight the whole group and thats when it wigged out. desktop crash to the max, restarted with pig,open,backspace then went to save show quickly and the show screen froze up as i attempted to save, every button in the programmer section froze up and the pos,int & group button lights where all on at the same time.. i had to power down with the red button. then it took 4 attempts at restarting to bring it back to life.

    I to will look for the dmp file tomorrow..

    It was a fresh show created in 3.1.7 just patch and palletes and a couple of small lists.

    Possibly the same problem??? oh it's a RHFB.

  • Could this bug exist in 3.1.7 as well? I had a similar thing happen the other night during a focus. I was highlighting through a group at the time and think i hit next+back at the same time to highlight the whole group and thats when it wigged out. desktop crash to the max, restarted with pig,open,backspace then went to save show quickly and the show screen froze up as i attempted to save, every button in the programmer section froze up and the pos,int & group button lights where all on at the same time.. i had to power down with the red button. then it took 4 attempts at restarting to bring it back to life.

    I to will look for the dmp file tomorrow..

    It was a fresh show created in 3.1.7 just patch and palletes and a couple of small lists.

    Possibly the same problem??? oh it's a RHFB.

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