3.1.8 (2901) Bug Report: Next+Back Causes Desktop Crash

Name: Kevin Hogan
Date: 1/31/2011
Software Version and build number: RoadHog Full Boar 3.1.8 (2901)
Number of displays: No External Monitors
Connected USB Devices: None
Networked Devices: (1) DP8000
Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce (if possible) and exact syntax used: Using "Next + Back" to select all fixtures in the programmer caused the desktop application to freeze and crash multiple times during programming. Pig+Open+Backspace would let me right-click to restart the desktop and resume where I left off.
List any errors reported by the software: No errors reported

let me know an e-mail address and I'll send a show file if you'd like to see.
  • Is there a problem with the fixture generator on the fullboar? Every time i take about 10 minutes building a fixture, the desk goes down, soft reboot of desktop does not restart the desk, but a few hard re-boots do. Also, the first time it re-loads my show, it takes about 20 minutes after crashing this way. Normal shut-down and restart takes about 5 minutes to re-load...
    Couldnt build a fixture for some pos light i had to use last night, so the house rig stayed off all show.
    Just wonderin.
    It was a Showtec indigo 4500... odd fixture, little tinkertoy.
  • Is there a problem with the fixture generator on the fullboar? Every time i take about 10 minutes building a fixture, the desk goes down, soft reboot of desktop does not restart the desk, but a few hard re-boots do. Also, the first time it re-loads my show, it takes about 20 minutes after crashing this way. Normal shut-down and restart takes about 5 minutes to re-load...
    Couldnt build a fixture for some pos light i had to use last night, so the house rig stayed off all show.
    Just wonderin.
    It was a Showtec indigo 4500... odd fixture, little tinkertoy.
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