i have a cuelist(list1) with 2 cues that change position so cue 1 is position 1 cue to is position 2 with a 5 sec fade from 1-2 and i want to trigger that cuelist using my main cuelist(list2) that is running the timecode.
in cue 2 of the timecode cuelist i have the same lights in a position. in cue 3 i want list 1 to run, but i also want cue4 to run simultaneously while list 1 continues but when i do that cuelist 1 stops running as soon as cue4 is triggered.
any suggestions?
Cuelist 1
Cue 1 - Position 1 - 5sec fade
Cue 2 - Position 2 - 5sec fade
Cuelist 2
Cue 1 - Enables TC
1:24 Cue 2 - Position 0 for the same lights in List 1
1:27 Cue 3 - GL1
1:33 Cue 4 - Led Full
when the cue at 1:33 executes list 1 releases..
is it something with tracking maybe?