Hi there so I might be going crazy, but about a year ago i was able to separate my desk channels into smaller fixture types (with a black heading above stating what they were) which then gave me them as 'fixture type' in the tool bar. I cannot remember how I did this. Can anyone give a suggestion? I know i didnt create a custom instrument because I was able to separate LED lights into these groups based on location.
It sounds like that you might have created custom fixture types because the aggregate bar (black bar) is only for separating via fixture type. You can however use the note field in the patch window to "label" each fixture. then you can enable the Note field in other spreadsheets such as programmer and output to see these labels with your fixtures.
It sounds like that you might have created custom fixture types because the aggregate bar (black bar) is only for separating via fixture type. You can however use the note field in the patch window to "label" each fixture. then you can enable the Note field in other spreadsheets such as programmer and output to see these labels with your fixtures.