I am running Hog3pc of a IBM THink pad. I have ran it for a few days with no problem. Today I go to Load my show and as the server is loading I get a Pallet 7 ID is invalid.... And the computer goes haywire. Tried restarting and no luck there. It will lock up the computer and has given me a blue screen of death twice now. I am transfering the show files over to a jump drive to see if I can load it onto my personal computer and give it a whirl. It is extremly important to get this up and running seeing it is for a Tour that I am currently on. Any help will be appreciated.
[ IBM THinkpad, Intell pentium M processor 1.58 GHz, 598MHz 1GB RAM, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition SP3. Attached Playback wing, Programmer Wing, Superwiget]
Let me know of more information I could send.