Some (big) ideas

Hi there!

I am a huge fan of the GrandMa desks, so my ideas to the Hog3 are kind of a copy of what the GrandMa already does. One thing that would be great are of you could have more options for the masters. Like being able to tap the rate of a chase. Or setting the rate and/or size of an effect running on the master. Also, it would be great to be able to have have more than one master per list, and use these for different parameters of the list. (Like executor size in GrandMa. As i said, very inspired)

I would also be able to put fixtures on the masters, for controling the intensity of these fixtures (instead of selecting and using encoders to program). I want to select a fixture, and then store it under a master, and then that master becomes a fader for that fixture (or group if so programmed). So this is similiar to a feature in GrandMa where the channels (not fixtures) is put on the faders, but with the difference that i my self can select which fixtures or groups to put on which faders, in which page. Would be absolutely great when programming ie theatre with a lot of dimmers.

I want a manual timing feature (to put on one of the masters). Also like the manual feature in GrandMa, but with the ability to pause everything before it's executed (so i click pause for the timing fader, do the changes in the programmer, select the fade time on the fader clicks "play", and then the thing in the programmer executes in the selected time).

And of coarse, all this in combination with a new playback wing with motorised faders, and quick buttons to access the different pages. That would make especially busking a lot better on the Hog3. (As for now i would never choose the Hog3 for busking, GrandMa is my no1 choice there)

Of coarse i don't want the Hog to become a GrandMa-desk, but these features would make this disk so much better.
  • So to summarize my requests:
    *A spread parameter for effects (Don't think i wrote this in my original post)
    Within the f/x use offset to spread f/x

    *Make the faders control effects rate and spread.
    Depending on how you program you can change the fader options to ICBF to change size and rate.If you want the console to be an MA or Pearl it isn't and vice versa.

    *Being able to let a "list" (or other stuff) use more then one fader. "Master width"
    No idea what master width is.

    *"Fixtures on faders", that brings the intensity values into the programmer
    No idea what this means.

    *Timing palette sounded great, so that in combination with a play/pause button to prevent any changes in the programmer to output until i click "play"
    I have never heard of this function and don't understand what you are trying to achieve,perhaps you need to use the "blind" feature.

    *A motorised fader wing, with a few physical buttons for pages. Should be given for a desk to have in the 10s =-)
    Perhaps look at the full size expansion wing,not motorized faders but usually more than enough faders and playbacks to control a show.

    *I think the title bar in the windows are unnecessary, the ability to only show the titlebar in "edit" mode for windows. In that way, i can use that space for palettes or other fun stuff instead of just a titlebar. (Forgot this in my original post)
    You can change the layout to one that suits you using move and size and create the view that works best for you or perhaps you need an external monitior or two.
  • So to summarize my requests:
    *A spread parameter for effects (Don't think i wrote this in my original post)
    Within the f/x use offset to spread f/x

    *Make the faders control effects rate and spread.
    Depending on how you program you can change the fader options to ICBF to change size and rate.If you want the console to be an MA or Pearl it isn't and vice versa.

    *Being able to let a "list" (or other stuff) use more then one fader. "Master width"
    No idea what master width is.

    *"Fixtures on faders", that brings the intensity values into the programmer
    No idea what this means.

    *Timing palette sounded great, so that in combination with a play/pause button to prevent any changes in the programmer to output until i click "play"
    I have never heard of this function and don't understand what you are trying to achieve,perhaps you need to use the "blind" feature.

    *A motorised fader wing, with a few physical buttons for pages. Should be given for a desk to have in the 10s =-)
    Perhaps look at the full size expansion wing,not motorized faders but usually more than enough faders and playbacks to control a show.

    *I think the title bar in the windows are unnecessary, the ability to only show the titlebar in "edit" mode for windows. In that way, i can use that space for palettes or other fun stuff instead of just a titlebar. (Forgot this in my original post)
    You can change the layout to one that suits you using move and size and create the view that works best for you or perhaps you need an external monitior or two.
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