User Fixture Numbers with Decimals

I would like to be able to number fixtures using multiple decimal places. i.e. RGB LED 501.1

As an extension, I would like to be able to select a group of fixtures by selecting their whole number fixture number.


To patch a ColorBlaze 72, I actually patch a dozen RGB LED fixtures out of the generic library. The designer thinks of this fixture as a single channel number, but I actually work with it as multiple channel numbers.

Ideally, I would like to patch this as fixtures 101.01 thru 101.12. If no fixture is patched as 101 (with no decimals), selecting fixture 101 would result in selecting all twelve of the sub-fixtures.

This allows you to think of a physical fixture as a whole (101) when necessary, but also allows you to properly work with the individual cells as part of larger groups.

For instance, ColorBlazes 101 and 102 can easily be recognized and grabbed, and you can still effectively use console functions such as fanning with the individual cells.

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