Howdy. I just bought a used Hog 3. The screen doesn't seem to stay up on its own, it keeps falling down. Is there an adjustment on the gas spring to make it stay up or should I replace the whole spring. Thanks.
You can try tightening a nut on the top of the gas spring. Direction on the spring itself.
Should this not work (it usually doesn't make much difference) the unit will need to be replaced.
Should you be using the Hog 3 in conjunction with a playback wing it is often convenient to jam the psu of the playback wing alongside the gas spring piston to prevent the screens falling down when touchscreen buttons are depressed, which can become annoying over time.
You can try tightening a nut on the top of the gas spring. Direction on the spring itself.
Should this not work (it usually doesn't make much difference) the unit will need to be replaced.
Should you be using the Hog 3 in conjunction with a playback wing it is often convenient to jam the psu of the playback wing alongside the gas spring piston to prevent the screens falling down when touchscreen buttons are depressed, which can become annoying over time.