2xWholehog consoloes numbered 1&2. "Run server" on Console 2 un-checked. 3.1.9 runs smoothly in the same environment and with the same settings, on 3.2.0 I get a lot of "Server busy" and "Database commit failed" messages, plus occasional DMX freezes. Plus terrible performance - list->move->choose = 5sec waiting! Anybody tried this?
Marcin, this has not been our experience in test at all. We need to establish which operations and possibly which settings in particular are causing the problems you are reporting. Make sure you are only running one DHCP server on the network and that at least one of the consoles has a custom boot server range specified in the network window.
Also, when a server busy or database commit failed issue arises it will usually continue until you log off both consoles and reload the show. I imagine your were experiencing this issue in a single show session over and over again. In any case I will need a copy of your show file and some examples of the operations you were doing to cause this to these errors.
Also, can you define how the "dmx freeze" presented itself. Was it a lack of responsiveness from the programmer or a glitch in playback? How long were the freezes?
Marcin, this has not been our experience in test at all. We need to establish which operations and possibly which settings in particular are causing the problems you are reporting. Make sure you are only running one DHCP server on the network and that at least one of the consoles has a custom boot server range specified in the network window.
Also, when a server busy or database commit failed issue arises it will usually continue until you log off both consoles and reload the show. I imagine your were experiencing this issue in a single show session over and over again. In any case I will need a copy of your show file and some examples of the operations you were doing to cause this to these errors.
Also, can you define how the "dmx freeze" presented itself. Was it a lack of responsiveness from the programmer or a glitch in playback? How long were the freezes?