2xWholehog consoloes numbered 1&2. "Run server" on Console 2 un-checked. 3.1.9 runs smoothly in the same environment and with the same settings, on 3.2.0 I get a lot of "Server busy" and "Database commit failed" messages, plus occasional DMX freezes. Plus terrible performance - list->move->choose = 5sec waiting! Anybody tried this?
[QUOTE=c_muenchow;55495]Also, can you define how the "dmx freeze" presented itself. Was it a lack of responsiveness from the programmer or a glitch in playback? How long were the freezes?
I found this little movie of the incident. The band's LD was not happy. I mean REALLY not happy.
[QUOTE=c_muenchow;55495]Also, can you define how the "dmx freeze" presented itself. Was it a lack of responsiveness from the programmer or a glitch in playback? How long were the freezes?
I found this little movie of the incident. The band's LD was not happy. I mean REALLY not happy.