view the fader wing on PC

yersterday i had a big big 3.2 sunday afternoon with 2 fullboar, 1 fader wing and my Notebook.

it is possible, on the hog and the PC, to view the fader label of the
fader wing

but how is it possible to view or move the fader ??

wkr Maikel
  • [QUOTE=bradpepe;55777]Hi Maikel,

    You asked "but how can i use the fader of the wing by using a PC or a hog without wing in the conected show?"

    You can not adjust the faders without having physical faders attached. The only options are to use the option in SETUP/Preferences/Virtual Faders to assign them up or down OR to use comment macros to force a value of the "fader".

    hi Brad & team

    it´s not posible to record a "fader value change" to a macro
    can you set this on a to do list ?

    wkr Maikel
  • [QUOTE=bradpepe;55777]Hi Maikel,

    You asked "but how can i use the fader of the wing by using a PC or a hog without wing in the conected show?"

    You can not adjust the faders without having physical faders attached. The only options are to use the option in SETUP/Preferences/Virtual Faders to assign them up or down OR to use comment macros to force a value of the "fader".

    hi Brad & team

    it´s not posible to record a "fader value change" to a macro
    can you set this on a to do list ?

    wkr Maikel
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